Sunday, July 6, 2014

RMK Product Reviews

I received a few RMK products last month and thought I'd try them out. One in particular I absolutely adore. That would be the RMK Herb Mist in Green Tea. They have a few different scents available and I haven't tried the others but this one is fantastic. It's like a light moisturizer, you mist it on, and either let it soak in or gently pat it in. For something so light, it really revamps your skin! I was using it a couple times a day in London, and even with the major hard water which took a big toll on my face, I no longer had dry skin! It also smells fantastic. I've used almost the entire 50 ml bottle in about a month. I just can't help myself.

The other two products are cleansers. Both are oil based so they don't dry out your skin like some face wash does. However, getting used to using them can be pretty weird. With this type of cleanser, you rub a bit into your skin, enough that your whole face is covered, and then you emulsify it (wet your hands with warm water and rub the oil into a lather). Then you rinse and/or wipe it all off your face. The first is RMK Cleansing Balm. It starts in a pretty wax-like state but quickly melts down as you rub it in, becoming a thin oil. This makes it a good go-to for those who haven't used oil face wash before. It also comes with this cute scoop so you don't stick your fingers in the jar getting it all melty. The scoop fits nicely in the lid which I think is a cool packaging touch. It leaves your skin feeling clean but not dry. It's delicate enough for the eye area, but feels pretty uncomfortable if it gets in your eyes at all. 

The other oil-based wash is RMK Cleaning Oil. This is my least favorite of the two. Because it starts as a liquid it tends to run between your fingers before you get it on your face. This is messy and seems kind of wasteful. Like the Cleaning Balm, it cleans without drying and is gentle enough on the eyes. I'd say it leave your skin feeling more rejuvenated because it makes your face feel a little warm and moisturizer. However the messiness of it is a big downside and outweighs this in my mind. It's a good product, but unless your used to using oil cleansers, it's a bit of a hassle. I'm going to look into easier ways of applying the oil, perhaps with a cloth. 

Overall I'm pretty satisfied with the RMK products. I would definitely recommend the Green Tea Herb Mist and the Cleansing Balm. Seriously go but the mist- it's phenomenal. I've only got enough left for a few days and I'm determined to get some before I run out.

Let me know if you have any questions!:)

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