Monday, October 21, 2013

Honey Acne Treatment

What's a good way to make your roomies think you're completely bonkers? Get some honey and rub it all over your face. Seriously, my apartment-mates may be slightly worried about my sanity. Nevertheless, this is a great DIY acne treatment.

Just take a tablespoon or so of honey and massage it into your face after washing with hot water (to open pores). Massage it into your skin with gentle circular motions using your finger tips and the heels of your hands. Keep massaging until it gets too sticky to massage. Be sure to do this in the bathroom cuz it'll probably drip. After this, leave it on till it's pretty dry. Then shower it off- use a tiny bit if gentle soap to get it all off so you're not sticky later!

Honey is a natural anti-bacterial and also pretty moisturizing. I've been doing this once or twice a week on too of my regular skin care routine - I really enjoy it! It feels and smells nice and it purifies your skin without drying. 

Give it a try and let me know how you like it:)

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Pore Penetrating Black Mineral Mask by Avon Clearskin

Yes, this is me trying to be artsy with a picture of me in a face mask

So I've been trying out Avon's Clearskin Pore Penetrating Black Mineral Mask and i have to say, i'm really liking it! Though it doesn't have such striking results as Avon's Clearskin Professional Clear Pore Thermal Mask, it's gentle on skin so you can use it more often!

One thing i really like about this mask is that, like many other clay-based masks, you can see it's color change as it dries. This allows you to see where the most oil is being produced on your face; if you apply an even layer of mask, the oiliest parts of your face will take the longest to dry.

Something that's unique about this mask is that unlike most clay masks, it has an acne treatment in it - salicylic acid! So not only is it pulling oil out of your pores, it's fighting acne too. 

Overall I'm very satisfied with this face mask, especially since I can use it 2 or 3 times weekly without it drying out my skin a whole ton.